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GCF 2023 Beanie

Regular price $14.00
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Ah, envision the russet leaves of Central Park, as they waltz gracefully to the ground, whispering tales of seasons past. The crisp air carries melodies of fall and the distant harmonies of the Global Citizen Festival set to grace the park on September 23rd.

Enter the GCF 2023 Festival Beanie – not merely an accessory, but an emblem of transition, of nature's poetry, and of unwavering purpose. Measuring a snug 13 inches with a distinguished cuff, this beanie is a tapestry of craftsmanship. Weaved together with a blend of 60/40 Polylana® fiber and acrylic, it's not just a fabric; it's an ode to sustainability, given its reverence for the Global Recycled Standard Fabric.

Its hue? Not just any shade, but 'Autumn Rust' – an embodiment of fall's passionate embrace, a color that mingles with the sepia notes of Central Park, making you one with nature's symphony.

But the pièce de résistance is the logo label, sewn meticulously on the front cuff. It's not just a patch; it's a badge of honor for every activist, a beacon signaling your allegiance to a cause greater than oneself.

As the golden sunsets of fall bathe Central Park, let your GCF 2023 Festival Beanie be more than just a shield against the chill. Let it be your proclamation, your testament, your anthem. Clothe yourself in the spirit of activism, wrap your resolve in style, and march forth as an envoy of change.

The GCF 2023 Festival Beanie: Wear your passion, flaunt your purpose. Welcome to the ballad of Global Citizenship.

Product Specs
  • 60/40 Polylana® fiber/acrylic
  • 13” knit with cuff
  • Global Recycled Standard Fabric
  • Color: Autumn rust